It’s been a minute since I posted a recipe. Okay, okay I didn’t post one for the entire month of December but…. HEY! December was a very busy month for me. Between catering some very big jobs and cookie orders, I was swamped. So no recipes for you. And then in January I had the opportunity to go to Italy on my first buying trip. Life update: Other than working on my website and running Littlevent, I work three days a week as Creative Director for Morris & Sons, a high end men’s clothing store here in Chicago! So all of these things have been keeping me very busy. But I’m back. And inspired. With recipes a plenty.
On said trip to Italy, I was very badly behaved in terms of all things pasta, chocolate, and Aperol spritz’s. But hey, when it comes to indulging on trips….YOLO or shall I say, YOIO (You Only Italy Once). Which in actuality I’m pretty sure won’t be the case. Italy has stolen a piece of my heart. If I wasn’t repenting for my eating decisions there, you would be getting two months of pasta recipes. And risotto recipes. And recipes for everything covered in melted mozzarella. DROOOOOL.
Instead, you are getting a week of plant based recipes!!! YIPPY!!! If I’ve lost you, stay tuned. Plants can be good too!! Plus, its January. Everyone is on a diet in January. As a personal challenge to myself I wanted to eat as strictly plant based as I could for a week and see how I felt, if I enjoyed it, and how my body responded. I am using this week as a reset to help clear my mind and my body.
So let’s start with these carrots. They are simple, but they’re also beautiful, addicting, and incredibly versatile. Toss them with sliced avocado. Top with toasted hazelnuts and crumbled feta. Throw them into your salad. Eat them hot. Eat them cold. Drizzle them with honey. They’re delicious, healthy, and most importantly easy.
Let’s get started.
Step 1: What’s up Doc!? I do not peel these carrots. Because they’re easy and rustic and no one has time to peel a carrot. Slice the top and bottom ends off your carrot. Slice the carrot in half lengthwise. Then slice it in half again width wise. If you’re confused….we are looking for 3-4 inch pieces of carrot. Get to work.

Step 2: Toss ’em. In a large mixing bowl toss your carrots with peeled whole cloves of garlic, olive oil, balsamic, salt, pepper, and chopped sage or whatever other fresh herbs you love (basil, thyme, oregano). Do not bother washing mixing bowl, you will be using it again.
Step 3: Roasty Toasty. Dump your carrots onto a sheet pan. Space them out so that they are all exposed to the metal and not on top of each other. Roast your your carrots for 35-40 minutes at 400.

Step 4: Toss ’em again. Remove carrots from the oven and throw them back into mixing bowl with additional 1-11/2 tablespoons balsamic.

Step 5: Get Dressed. In a small bowl combine tahini with water, lemon juice, salt, pepper, cinnamon, and cumin. Mix well. Top carrots with this right before you eat them. Sprinkle with chopped dill.

balsamic roasted rainbow carrots with tahini

- 1 bag whole rainbow carrots (or normal carrots if you cannot find rainbow carrots)
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 1/2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
- 1 head of garlic
- 3-4 leaves fresh sage chopped (or sub your favorite fresh herbs)
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill
For the tahini dressing
- 2 tablespoons tahini
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 1/4 teaspoon cumin
- pinch of cinnamon
- pinch of salt
- pinch of black pepper
- 1-2 teaspoons water (or more based on your desired consistency)
- I do not peel these carrots. Because they’re easy and rustic and no one has time to peel a carrot. Slice the top and bottom ends off your carrot. Slice the carrot in half lengthwise. Then slice it in half again width wise. If you’re confused….we are looking for 3-4 inch pieces of carrot. Get to work.
- Toss ’em. In a large mixing bowl toss your carrots with peeled whole cloves of garlic, olive oil, balsamic, salt, pepper, and chopped sage or whatever other fresh herbs you love (basil, thyme, oregano). Do not bother washing mixing bowl, you will be using it again.
- Roasty Toasty. Dump your carrots onto a sheet pan. Space them out so that they are all exposed to the metal and not on top of each other. Roast your your carrots for 35-40 minutes at 400.
- Toss ’em again. Remove carrots from the oven and throw them back into mixing bowl with additional 1-11/2 tablespoons balsamic.
- Get Dressed. In a small bowl combine tahini with water, lemon juice, salt, pepper, cinnamon, and cumin. Mix well. Top carrots with this right before you eat them. Sprinkle with chopped dill.