So, you want to cook? Right? Isn’t that why you’re here? Fine. I will help you. Not because we’re friends yet, but because I’m trying to be welcoming. This IS after all my space that you’ve barged in on (unannounced mind you) in that little white….wait a minute…are you wearing a chef’s hat? Goodness, you’re darling!! You’ve won me over already. So…..what did you have in mind? Seared Foi Grois? Seven hour leg of lamb? Perhaps a simple Sicilian bolognese? “YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!” Then, teach you I shall. I am warning you though, when you come here use caution. You will leave hungry. Ispired? Yes. But, hungry most definitely.
Can you think of the best thing you’ve ever tasted in your whole life? Think really hard. This is an enormous question. If you’re around my age you would be choosing from about 30,660 meals roughly. When you have your answer tell me: Did you make it? If you answered “yes” please email the recipe to so I can take credit for it immediately. If you answered “no”… should ask yourself why? Shouldn’t one of your favorite meals be something that you can serve to others? Replicate? Bring in a tupperwear to work the next day to show your envious coworkers? Yes. It should be. And that is why I cook.
I cook because I love tasting something at a wonderful restaurant and thinking….”I could make this” and then making it. I cook because I love a good challenge. I cook because cooking is creativity you can eat. And make beautiful. And take interesting pictures of. Share with others. And Repeat x1000. I cook because then I don’t have to do the dishes. Right? Everyone agrees with that one right? Let’s take a show of hands. Unanimous on all accounts? See Kevin, they all agree with me! Kevin, by the way, is my taste tester who happens to make the best frozen pizza in the Chicago area. Bold claim, but I said it….. This is also why… I cook.
So, let’s get started shall we? I mean, you already have the hat on and everything. What’s stopping you? Let’s learn to make the best thing you’ve ever tasted in your whole life! (with a little trial and error of course)
Peas and Love,