It’s snowing and 35 degrees here in Chicago, which means it’s basically almost summer. There is no better time for you to learn how to make my favorite cold brew coffee and sip it all summer long. We drink iced coffee year round in this house, but recently transitioned from iced lattes I made using our Nespresso machine to this simple, delicious, cold brew coffee. I promise, once you make one batch of it you will spend the 10 minutes it takes every weekend to make it for your next week of work.
Most mornings I wake up in a daze with just enough energy to extend my arm to fill up my glass from the spout of coffee we have stocked in our fridge. I can have delicious cold brew coffee instantly, without leaving the house or spending $5 a day on coffee. My mom introduced me to her favorite cold brew recipe when I was having trouble with all the acid that is in normal hot brewed coffee and espresso. When I was working in sales I was desperate for caffeine, but the acid that is in normal hot brewed coffee was putting too much stress on my stomach. So, I made the switch!
That’s right, cold brewed coffee can have up to 67% less acid overall than traditional brewing methods. This difference in acid greatly affects the flavor of the cold brew. As hot brew quickly produces strong and bold flavors with bite and acidity, cold brew rewards patience with coffee that is smooth and sweet. If you are someone who typically needs cream and sugar to mask the strong burnt flavor that sometimes comes with your coffee, this cold brew may change your mind. It is delicious plain, black, and over ice. If I haven’t sold you on it yet….Just brew it. Let me know what you think.
Step 1: Gather your supplies. You are going to need just a few things to support your new cold brewed coffee habit:
- Mesh Strainer: I bought this set off of Amazon. They’re amazing & a great price.
- Cheese Cloth: Less than $5 and will last you a few months. I bought mine off Amazon.
- 1 Gallon Pitcher: Also on Amazon. (Can you tell I’m addicted to Prime?!)
- Good Coffee: My favorite cold brew coffee is Intelligentsia Black Cat Classic Espresso. I also love the Intelligentsia House Blend. If you buy from an Intelligentsia Coffee Shop, they will grind it for you and give you $2 off any drink you purchase. Make sure to tell them you are using the beans to make cold brew and that you need a coarser grind. Using a coarser grind will make the filtration process easier and your coffee taste far less bitter.
- Beverage Dispenser: If you want to be able to easily fill up your glass or travel cup of coffee in a few seconds, you need one of these. I keep ours on the top shelf of our fridge. You can find them on Amazon, at Target, or Homegoods for less than $20. They’re also amazing to have in the summer for infused water or iced tea.
Step 2: JUST BREW IT. Fill your gallon pitcher to the top with cold water. Combine with 8 oz coarsely ground coffee beans. The bags I buy from Intelligentsia are 16 oz, so each bag makes 2 batches of coffee! That’ll last the two of us 2 weeks!
Step 3: Patience young grasshopper. Once you combine your water and coffee, it’s time to wait. Cover your pitcher and allow to sit at room temperature twelve hours or overnight.
Step 4: It ain’t a pain, baby, strain strain strain. Line a fine mesh strainer with cheesecloth and set over your beverage dispenser. I like to do this process in the sink so that any spills are easy to clean up. Pour your coffee mixture through the strainer, allowing all liquid to run through. If you have too many ground that collect in the cheesecloth, dump them out and start again.
Step 5: To the fridge we go. Place coffee liquid in the fridge and allow it to get cold. Whenever you have the craving, fill a cup with ice and pour yourself a glass! I love this coffee black, but it is a delicious treat with full fat coconut milk, half & half, or even sweetened condensed milk.
P.S. If you have 2 gallon containers & want to make more cold brew at a time, feel free to double the recipe!
Just Brew It {the best cold brew coffee}
- 8 ounces good coarse ground coffee
- 32 ounces cold water
- Mesh Strainer
- Cheese Cloth
- 1 Gallon Pitcher
- Fill your gallon pitcher to the top with cold water. Combine with 8 oz coarsely ground coffee beans.
- Once you combine your water and coffee, it's time to wait. Cover your pitcher and allow to sit at room temperature twelve hours or overnight.
- Line a fine mesh strainer with cheesecloth and set over your beverage dispenser. I like to do this process in the sink so that any spills are easy to clean up. Pour your coffee mixture through the strainer, allowing all liquid to run through. If you have too many ground that collect in the cheesecloth, dump them out and start again.
- Place coffee liquid in the fridge and allow it to get cold. Whenever you have the craving, fill a cup with ice and pour yourself a glass!